Tucker Neel
Looking For The Backside, Volume 1

Rue Verwée 26, 1030 Schaerbeek, Belgium

May 11 - August 10, 2024
Opening Reception Saturday, May 11,18:00 - 20:00

Press Release
Ogge is pleased to present Looking For The Backside, Volume 1 by Tucker Neel, which examines collections of ancient Greek pottery in museums worldwide. This installation focuses on the collection of The Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels, Belgium, through a multimedia installation that explores how institutional choices surrounding the collection, display, and restoration of ancient artifacts reflect and shape shared values and expectations.

Pottery tends to make up a significant part of the ancient Greek collections of most encyclopedic museums. Yet a substantial number of these artifacts, initially intended to be viewed in the round, are presented with one side facing the back of a display case, hiding half of the object from view. Inspired by this strange phenomena, Neel has spent the last decade documenting Greek pottery collections around the world from the visitor’s perspective, smooshing his face against walls and vitrines to take pictures with his cameraphone in an attempt to see the back side of each vase on display.

In the process, he has captured numerous instances where the decision to relegate specific imagery to the back evidences the underlying biases, hierarchies, and ideologies that attend each museological institution. Images of men are given prominence over women; libidinal, homoerotic, and grotesque images are placed just out of sight; the “mistakes” and missing parts are neatly tucked away.

For this installation, Neel will present a selection of drawn and screen-printed vases on paper and reflective mylar that explore how the missing fragments and blank spaces on ancient pottery invite opportunities for viewers to project their fantastical thoughts to conceptually “complete” each vessel. Additionally, he will present proposals for new display cases, a slideshow of his institutional photographs alongside postcards he has made for the gift shops of some of the museum he has visited over the years. 

For more info visit ogge1030.com
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